Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Wow, it been ages since I've written on my blog. I hope everybody had a great holiday season.  I still have a lot of projects that are not finish so for my new years resolution I have decided to work on no more then 3 projects at a time - I'll keep everybody updated on that through Esther's blog.

 Well last week it snowed so I got down to clean my sewing room and organized some of my fabrics - I figured if I get organized them I can  start working on my projects.

 Today was my co - workers 60th birthday we had a little party for her with cup cakes and ballons etc.... I made her a quilt for her special day -  she was so happy - she loved it - she hugged meand kissed me and was telling everybody in the office how special she felt that I made her a quilt just for her LOL - I had purchased the fabric and pattern when I was living in Atlanta, Georgia from my favorite quilt shop. If you are ever in Atlanta, Georgia you have to go to this quilt shop by the name of Little Quilts I LOVE that quilt shop!
The name of this pattern is Blueberry and the fabric was all Moda fabric that was per-cut by the store just for this pattern.
Here is Miss Lydia she is rapped around the quilt she is so funny.  I just wish I look this this young when I turn Sixth. LOL.

That is all for this week, I hope to do this each and every week that is my goal for this year.... Keep on Quilting.


  1. What a nice thing to do of a co worker, I am sure she will cherish your generosity for many years. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Hey, Carol!! I really wanted to respond to your comment on my blog, but I don't have your email. =( Please consider sharing it. =) Have a great week!!
