Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Esther's WIP Wednesday

I call this quilt my Amish Pinwheels. I have finish the top and now I have to but it together.  This quilt will be going on my sewing room wall.  I'm hoping to have it finish for next Week's WIP will see:)
Please be gentle this is my first blog.


  1. Beautiful quilt and welcome to Blogland.

  2. I've never been a big fan of black, but it looks really sharp with those pinwheels.

    Welcome to the blogosphere!

  3. Carol, welcome to blogging!

    Lesson 1: don't be concerned with negative comments if you get them - you have more important things to do, like this stunning Amish Pinwheel.

    I actully have one of these cut up somewhere.....oh my goodness I keep being reminded of all the WIPs I have not finsihed.

    This quilt is going to be stunning!

  4. @ Bunny. Thank you for you wonderful comment. Happy that I'm getting the hang of this blog business:)

  5. @ Bunny. Thank you for your wonderful comment.
    Happy I'm getting the hang of this blogging world.
    The colors are so bright. I'm still looking for my good camera? You would think that after 3years I should unpack all the box? Maybe someday when I have time.

  6. @ Laura. I have to agree with you, I'm also not a big fan of black. But this quilt would not look good with any other colors, believe me I tried.
    Thank you, for your comment it makes me happy to know that I'm reaching other bloggers. See you next week for another WIP :)

  7. Welcome. Love your pinwheels look forward to seeing it hanging up. Happy Stitching Chris

  8. This will be so bright and fun when you have it finished, congratulations on braving blogland!

  9. It is Wonderful to see you have managed to join in on the blogging world Carol, negative responses are usually from someone who is envious or is not quilting enough & has too much time on their hands???? Easy solution is just press the Trash button & forget what you read. Your page looks great & WHAT a quilt to show first up, smashing. Keep it up. Cheers Glenda

  10. Keep at it, it looks fabulous and your blogging is looking great too.

    I agree with Glenda, there's no time to listen to nasty people. I get my fair share - my DDs call them 'Blog Trolls' and we simply delete and forget. What motivates people to be so unkind??? I genuinely feel sorry for them. I wish I had the time to comment on every blog I visit (I simply don't) but I would certainly never make the time to bother saying something rude. it's just an opinion. Carry on.
