Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Esther's WIP Wednesday #5

Hi All
It's been a very busy week for me. On Monday I painted my hallway and when my husband got home from work I had him installed the light fixer.  We are celebrating the fourth of July in our house this year so everything needs to be ready in the next 2 weeks. 
I did get a chance yesterday to do some sewing on the Postage Stamp Quilt I've been working on as you can see I started putting the strips together and it coming out pretty good.  I'm hoping to have it finish in the next couple of weeks.  However, with the fourth right around the corner getting to my sewing room is going to be a challenge:)  By the way I also signed up for Rachel Griffith synchronized squares quilt along: here is her website if you want to join in I think it's going to be fun.

I would like to thank Esther for doing this Wednesday WIP it's making me challenge myself in getting these projects done otherwise they still would be sitting in the to do box ;o)


  1. This looks great! I do love postage stamp quilts and the fabrics you've chosen are lovely. Oh, and WIPs is a weekly challenge to me finish things!

  2. Carol, why don't you link your WIP posting on my blog WIP list? (simply click on the 'add your link' button) below my post. That way more people can enjoy your work!
