Wednesday, November 16, 2011

WIP Wednesday

Wow, were did the time go!! We have Christmas right around the corner and I have decided to make my own Christmas Card this year!  This wonderful idea came from Glenda @ Glenda  posted a few months ago that she was making Patchwork cards it inspired me to give it a whirl.. So here is the first Christmas card: I'm still working on more quilt patterns..

 I also started  a new quilt, I bought this fabric in  Florida about 2 years ago,I have decided to make this pattern  I found in American Patchwork & Quilting Magazine from 2008 with my own twist...I'll show my twist once all the panels are finished.   I have only put one panel together so far.

I'm a little behind on Esther's Pathway BOM and it's coming along slowing... Here is a glimpse of what I've  done so far.

I'm also on a BOM on flickr group and this is the second block that we were requested to make.

I had posted a few month back that a co-worker of mine is having a baby ( boy) and I was making her an afghan for the baby shower.  I first try my hand at knitting and I then decided to crochet it instead. I like it better I think it's turning out very nice... I'm also working on my daughter's cowl and I like the way that one is coming out too. But, I will post the cowl on my next post. See yall then!.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 This weekend was a very productive weekend...  I was working on the Peaceful Pathway Quilt from Esther's BOM group...So far I have finished Part 1 & 2 of the project...

I still have to catch up with Part 3 but, I'm hoping to work on part 3 this weekend. I will post my progress next! until then....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Wednesday WIP

It's been several weeks since my last post ... It's just hard sometime between work and trying to catch up on all my projects, etc etc... Well enough of my wows here is what I've been working on... I'm knitting a little baby blanket for a co-worker who is have a baby boy hence the blue color yarn :>)

I'm also, working on my Lone star quilt, this is going to be for my's taking more time then I had hoped for but I find this is a very challenging pattern..  I find that cutting the strips a little at a time makes it easier for me....It's like driving at 5mph I know I will get there I just know when. .

 I also join a group on flickr: and I made my first block.....I don't usually chose colors like grays & blacks I fine them to be to dark for my taste but I think I made a good choice. When I saw this fabric in the quilt shop I just knew this was the fabric...  All in all I'm happy with the color selection and sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling. and the more I look at the fabric the more I like it.. I will be posting the blocks from time to time. this project is going to be a mystery quilt so I don't really know how it will turn out but so far I'm happy :>)

I'm a little behind on Esther"s BOM but I have made a promise to myself to start working on the quilt this weekend.. I've seen some of the blocks you ladies have posted and they look wonderful. I cannot wait to start with mine this weekend..    

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Esther's WIP

I'm very excited to show what I have been working on.  I know it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything, but I've been very busy.  I was painting my new sewing room and getting it set up. It's not finish but it will do for now... 

I have several project in the works right now.  I'm working on a quilt for my bed I was inspired by Esther  RED fabric.. I love red!  I found this the Lone Star pattern in The American Patchwork magazine, October 2008 edition (I never throw away my quilt magazines) so I've decided to make this quilt for my bed.  It's coming along quite nicely.

 Esther asked me on my last posting for a better look at my afghan.  Sorry, but my camera is pretty old and doesn't take the best pictures. but I gave it a try and I'm hoping these pictures are better the first ones I took.

here is a close up picture of the afghan ( this is the best I can do)
I've been throwing little hints to my wonderful husband, since my birthday is this month :>)

I'm also working on Esther Peaceful Pathways quilt.  I wanted to start with the Embroidery Notes I figured that was going to take me the longest since I'm doing the embroidery by hand. I also decided to do my own twist on the NOTES I decided to embellish the outline frame with some glass beads. So, far only the LOVE notes have the beading around.  I'm truly happy with the way they are turning out.  I have finish embroidery 8 of the 12 notes.  Not to bad!

 Until next week hopefully I will be able to post more pictures and give you better pictures LOL!!!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

WIP Wednesday

Hi all
I did what I set out to do! and that was to put my 2 quilt tops together, Now, all have to do is start quilting. But, first I have to get inspired. The way I see it is Christmas is a few months away. So, from here to Christmas I'm sure I'll get inspired.   Here is a picture of the 2 quilt tops I've put together.  
Postage Stamp Quilt

 Rachel Griffin Christmas Quilt

also, I finish my afghan.  I love to read so I made this afghan with the idea of sitting in my nice comfortable chair, with the afghan over me drink hot chocolate. I'm so excited about winter specially when it's snowing outside and you are stuck at home.  Curling up, with a good book and watching the snow fall.
Come On Winter:)

 Also, I'm very excited about joining Esther's  BOM group. I love the color red and I just love the pattern she has picked out.
I have a lot of red fabric, for some reason every time I'm in a quilt shop and I see red fabric I just have to get it.  I'm actually going to be using a cream color instead of white. The cream color goes perfect with the red fabric I've chosen for this quilt.. 
I actually had these fabrics picked out for a wedding ring quilt I was thinking of making. Instead, I decided to use these fabrics for Esther's BOM quilt.
Oh well, that means I'm just going to have to go shopping again for more Red fabric;) 
For all you bloggers out there joining Esther BOM I wish you the best of luck I know I'm going to needed since this will be my first time doing anything like this. I hope I can keep up.
I hope to post some of my progress posted next week, by the way I have the MOST perfect husband in the world he printed the instruction for me in color. It looks great it's like a book! lol

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WiP Wednesday

Last week I said I was going to finish my Christmas project, well that was not in the cards, however, I am still happy with what I accomplish.   I got most of the blocks finish as you can see and now I'm hoping to get the rest of the blocks sewn this weekend and hopefully finish putting the top together.  I will post next week on my progress:

 I' m a newbie when it comes to knitting.  I started knitting just this year,  a co worker of mine volunteer to teach me.  I went and got my yarn and my first pair of needles and the rest is history. 
Julie, my co worker was making a chain scarf for herself .  I asked her if it would be hard to teach me, and she said it is actually a great project for beginners.   I just loved the way mine chain scarf turned out so  I decided to make one for each of my sisters as a Christmas present.. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Esther's WIP Wednesday

Wow, it's been several weeks since I posted anything.  I've been busy, I started working in Manhattan and my commute time is 2 hour in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon.  It doesn't give me much time for anything else.  But I found time to finish the top from my Postage Stamp Quilt. here is a picture. Tell me what you think.

Also, several weeks ago I signed up on Rachel Griffins blog p.s. i quilt for a quilt along called Synchronized squares..  Rachel, is a quilt designer and author of sever quilting books.  Rachel was doing a quilt along from one of her quilt pattern she design.  I thought it was a wonderful idea and I wanted to join in.  I felt this was going to be easy because the pattern she picked was very simple.  So, I order the fabric Cake Layers which are already cut to the dimension that the quilt requires, easy enough.  The fabric I order from the Moda shop and I ordered a Christmas fabric. I thought perfect gives me a jump on a Christmas quilt. I don't have many Christmas quilts.
Unfortunately, the quilt along ended on June 30th here we are now July 20th and I just started putting the square together. Hopefully this weekend I can take a couple of hours to my self and sit behind by sewing machine and sew away.  I tell you, if it wasn't for WIP half of my project would never ever get done, so thank you Esther.
I will try to post my progress next week:

here is a picture of the squares from the quilt along:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Esther's WIP Wednesday #5

Hi All
It's been a very busy week for me. On Monday I painted my hallway and when my husband got home from work I had him installed the light fixer.  We are celebrating the fourth of July in our house this year so everything needs to be ready in the next 2 weeks. 
I did get a chance yesterday to do some sewing on the Postage Stamp Quilt I've been working on as you can see I started putting the strips together and it coming out pretty good.  I'm hoping to have it finish in the next couple of weeks.  However, with the fourth right around the corner getting to my sewing room is going to be a challenge:)  By the way I also signed up for Rachel Griffith synchronized squares quilt along: here is her website if you want to join in I think it's going to be fun.

I would like to thank Esther for doing this Wednesday WIP it's making me challenge myself in getting these projects done otherwise they still would be sitting in the to do box ;o)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Esther's WIP Wednesday #4

Hi, All
Last week I said I was hoping to finish the Amish Pinwheel quilt for my sewing room by this week.  Done deal it is finish, however, I haven't been able to hang it on the wall yet hoping to do that this weekend.

I also started my version of the Postage Stamp quilt pattern.  If you read my blog you'll understand why this is my version of the pattern rather then the original version of the pattern. Even though it's not the original version I'm still very happy with the quilt just as it is:)  Here is a preview of the quilt hoping to have it finish sometime this month. Maybe not since its going to be a Queen or King size haven't decided as of yet. KEEP QUILTING :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Postage Stamp Quilt

You, know how sometimes you  get so down on yourself that we need to have someone else set us straight.  Well that is what happen to me a few days ago.

Several weeks ago I was looking through my email and I came across Amy Ellis Link:
She had done a challenge several months before and looking through all the postings I came across a posting of the Postage Stamp Quilt Pattern.  I just knew that had to be my next project; it's easy, simple and I figure fast. I had the prefect fabric.  I had just purchase fabric from the Fat Quarter Shop online the fabric from Lucien called Sugar Flowers perfect, very springing:) so here I go right.
 By the way the quilt I saw was done with jelly rolls.  However, I had purchased fat quarters so I had to cut all the strips and then start to sew the strips together, now once the strips are sewn together I started to cut the strips into smaller strips.  Okay, I'm almost finish :) when I realize that I had sewn the strips wrong:o( what have I done!For anyone that knows the pattern you sew different strips of fabric together: In other word one print fabric and one solid color fabric and then another print fabric and so on and so on.  I however, did print fabric, solid fabric and "same" print fabric.
I was beside myself, anyone that knows me knows I can be very hard on myself. I was so upset at what I had done how can I fix this without taking the small blocks apart and starting over. So I wrote to someone very special to me and explain what I had done. She send me an email today and said to me that she believes in me and she knows that I will come up with the solution and not to be so hard on myself that we all make mistake and that we just have to work through them and move on.  I decided to do my own version of the Postage Stamp quilt pattern. It's turning out better then I thought it would and I'm happy with it now: Here is a picture of the quilt so far: I'll post the progress as I go.

 Now here is a picture of the quilt done correctly: